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Happy New Year!

As we enter a new year, it's time to embrace the digital age and the power of technology to set our intentions and manifest our goals and dreams.

Digital vision boards are a fantastic way to bring your aspirations to life. We will explore what digital vision boards are, popular platforms to source images from like Pinterest, and how to create one to manifest your dreams in the new year.

A digital vision board is a virtual collage of images, quotes, and affirmations that represent your goals and desires. Unlike traditional vision boards that are created using physical materials, digital vision boards can be created online using various platforms or design software. These digital boards offer flexibility, ease of use, and can be easily accessed from any device.

When creating a digital vision board, you need a platform to find inspiring images and quotes. Pinterest is undoubtedly one of the most popular platforms for this purpose. With millions of high-quality images, it offers a vast array of options to suit your vision. Simply search for keywords related to your goals, a few to start with are"fitness," "travel," or "career success," and explore the endless possibilities.


How to Create a Digital Vision Board

Creating a digital vision board is simple and straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Choose a Platform or Design Software

Select a platform or design software that aligns with your preferences and technological proficiency. Options such as Canva, my personal favorite, Adobe, or even PowerPoint can be used to design your digital vision board.

2. Define your Goals and Aspirations

Take some time to reflect on your goals and aspirations for the new year. Consider different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth. Define specific and actionable goals for each category to create a well-rounded vision for yourself.

3. Collect Inspiring Visuals and Quotes

Utilize platforms like Pinterest to find inspiring images, quotes, and affirmations that align with your goals. Create a collection of visuals that resonate with you and motivate you to take action.

4. Design your Digital Vision Board

Using your chosen platform or design software, arrange the images and quotes on a digital canvas. Be creative with the layout and organization, ensuring that each element has its place and contributes to the overall vibe and energy of your board.

5. Save and Set as Your Device Background

Once you're satisfied with your digital vision board, save it as an image file. Set it as your device background on your phone, tablet, or computer to ensure that you are constantly reminded of your goals and intentions throughout the day.

To get some more inspiration, here is a glimpse on my vision board for 2024.

Digital vision boards offer a modern and dynamic way to set intentions and manifest our dreams for the new year. By utilizing popular platforms like Pinterest and various design softwares, we can create visually appealing and inspiring collages that fuel our motivation and keep our goals at the forefront of our minds.

Give it a try and watch as your digital vision board helps you bring your aspirations to life in the new year!

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In times of crisis and conflict, solidarity and support become vital for those affected. The situation in Palestine and the Gaza Strip has garnered attention worldwide, with many people seeking ways to lend their support. I will highlight some fashion and beauty influencers and brands that have taken up the cause, using their platforms to raise awareness and contribute to supporting Palestine and the people of Gaza. Let's explore these fashionable, yet remarkable individuals.


Leena Alghouti (@leenalghouti)

Leena Alghouti is a Palestinian influencer and fashion blogger who uses her platform to raise awareness about the Palestinian cause. Through her Instagram feed and blog, she showcases her personal style while also shedding light on the challenges faced by Palestinians. She frequently engages with her audience, discussing important topics and encouraging dialogue.

The Asad Sisters, comprising the dynamic trio of Leena, Amanda, and @loren, extend their influence beyond the realms of beauty, fashion, and lifestyle to become passionate advocates for the rights and well-being of the Palestinian people. In the face of complex geopolitical challenges, the Asad Sisters collectively navigate the delicate intersection of social media influence and social justice, urging their followers to engage with the realities within Gaza.

By doing so, they contribute to a global conversation that seeks to promote understanding, empathy, and meaningful action in support of the Palestinian people affected by the ongoing struggles. The Asad Sisters exemplify the potential of influencers to use their platforms for positive change and to amplify the voices of those who need it most.

Huda Kattan - Huda Beauty (@huda, @hudabeauty)

Huda Kattan, the founder of Huda Beauty, is a prominent beauty influencer and entrepreneur who has voiced her support for Palestine on social media. She has used her platform to share information, advocate for justice, and encourage her followers to take action. Additionally, Huda Beauty has donated to organizations providing support and aid to the people of Gaza. Huda encourages her audience to not only appreciate the artistry of makeup but also to engage with the broader world and stand in solidarity with those in need, particularly in regions affected by conflict and humanitarian crisis happening within Palestine.

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh (@amani)

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh stands as a prominent figure in the realm of social activism and advocacy for Muslim women's rights. As the visionary founder of @Muslimgirl &, she has worked to amplify the voices and experiences of Muslim women, dismantling stereotypes and fostering understanding. Amani has consistently advocated for the Palestinian crisis. Through her platform, she has utilized her voice to shed light on the challenges faced by Palestinians, drawing attention to the humanitarian crisis and emphasizing the importance of global solidarity.

Her advocacy is not only about raising awareness but also about inspiring tangible change, urging her followers to engage with the issues that matter and to be proactive in supporting justice and human rights. Amani exemplifies the power of using digital platforms to champion social causes. Her work goes beyond the virtual realm, contributing to a broader movement for justice and equality, making a lasting impact on how Muslim women's narratives are represented and empowering others to be informed advocates for change.

Nominal, a distinctive jewelry brand, goes beyond the conventional concept of adornment by embodying a powerful message – "making you, you."their commitment extends beyond the world of fashion and self-discovery. Nominal takes a bold stance as advocates for Palestine, seeking to educate their customers about the harsh reality faced by the Palestinian people. They strive to dispel the misconceptions surrounding the conflict, reframing it not as a mere war but as a heartbreaking genocide and ethnic cleansing of a population. Every order placed contributes to the donation of a meal to a family within Gaza. Nominal not only adorns individuals with elegant and meaningful jewelry but also empowers them to wear their values proudly, fostering compassion and solidarity with the Palestinian community.


These fashion, beauty, and lifestyle actvists and influencers, along with conscientious brands, have taken a stand and shown support for Palestine and the people of Gaza. With their platforms and resources, they are using their voices to raise awareness, educate their followers, and contribute to relief efforts. By supporting these influencers and brands, we can collectively make a difference and show solidarity in times of crisis. Together, we can create a positive impact and support the people of Palestine.

Below are some organizations that you can donate to support Gaza.

These funds are raised to help the vulnderable people suffering Gaza's violence.

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Are you tired of staring at your closet, feeling completely uninspired by your outfit choices? Do you feel like you have nothing to wear, even though your wardrobe is bursting at the seams? These are some of the best fashion wardrobe hacks that will revolutionize your style and help you make the most out of your existing clothing collection.


1. Mix and Match

Instead of constantly buying new clothes, try mixing and matching the pieces you already have. This simple trick can give your outfits a fresh and unique look every single time. Pair a top from one outfit with bottoms from another, layer different garments, and experiment with different patterns and textures to create interesting and stylish combinations. The possibilities are endless!

2. Accessorize, Accessorize, Accessorize!

Accessories can instantly elevate any outfit. Whether it's a statement necklace, a chunky belt, or a trendy handbag, the right accessory can transform a plain ensemble into a fashion-forward look. Experiment with different accessories and don't be afraid to play with bold colors and patterns. Not only will this add depth and personality to your outfit, but it will also save you from buying unnecessary new clothes.

3. Tailor Your Clothes

Ill-fitting clothes can make even the most expensive garments look frumpy. Instead of giving up on those perfectly good items that don't fit quite right, take them to a tailor. Tailoring can transform your clothes, making them fit like a dream and accentuating your best features. A simple alteration, like hemming pants or taking in a dress, can make a significant difference and bring new life to your wardrobe.

4. Invest in Timeless Pieces

While it's fun to follow the latest fashion trends, investing in timeless pieces will save you money in the long run. Classic items like a tailored blazer, a little black dress, or a quality pair of jeans will never go out of style. These versatile staples can be dressed up or down and can be worn in countless ways, making them a valuable addition to any wardrobe.

5. Organize and Declutter

A cluttered closet can make it difficult to see what you have, leading to the feeling of having nothing to wear. Set aside some time to organize your wardrobe, eliminate items you no longer wear, and make room for new fashion finds. By decluttering, you'll have a better understanding of your clothing options, ensuring you make use of the items you already own.

6. Get Inspired

Follow influencers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and gain inspiration. Save images of outfits you love and use them as a reference when putting together your own looks. Additionally, create a mood board or use digital apps to organize your fashion inspiration. This will help you create a visual roadmap for your personal style and give you easy access to outfit ideas whenever you need them.


Revamping your fashion wardrobe doesn't always require a trip to the mall or online shopping spree. With these simple hacks, you can breathe new life into your existing wardrobe, save money, and create stylish outfits that reflect your unique personality. Now, dive into your closet and start exploring the fashion potential that lies within. Vote down below on what hack you are going to elevare your wardrobe with!

What Hack Are You Going To Elevate Your Wardrobe With?

  • Mix and Match

  • Accessorize

  • Tailoring Your Clothes

  • Investing In Timeless Pieces

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